We are happy to announce/remind our readers that as usual the Phnom Penh Hackerspace is holding its usual Pop-Up Bar with a twist this month! On top of the usual crowd we are all happy to meet, a long list of startups and tech companies will be attending. A great opportunity to discuss with people using Free and Open Source technology daily and making a living out of it. Likewise, they're probably very knowledgeable about the tricks to do what they do.
Those include:
- Mozilla Firefox (South East Asia rep.)
- geeksincambodia.com (local geek blog)
- DevBootstrap.com (local software training startup)
- Yoolk.com (local online business directory startup)
- Mangomap.com (local online mapping startup)
- Bong Loy (local online payment startup)
- Chibi Text (local SMS startup)
- SnapyShop.com (local online retail startup)
- SomPom.com (local game company)
- Startup Weekend Cambodia
- ...and many more...
Event is happening tomorrow after 6pm near the Russian Market. See you all tomorrow!