Welcome to PPLUG!

What kind of GNU/Linux user are you?

Join our monthly meetings!

GNU/Linux Free as in Freedom

Free to use

Allow you to run the program as you wish, for any purpose

Free to modify

Allow you to access to the source code, study how it works & change it as you wish

Free to redistribute

Allow you to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor and friends

What is the PPLUG?

PPLUG is a private, non-profit organization that provides support & education for GNU/Linux users.


Monthly Meetings

PPLUG likes to meet every first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in Phnom Penh .


Mailing List

Join our group and keep yourself informed by subscribing to our mailing list.


Special Events

We regularly host different kinds of events to promote free software such as Software Freedom Day!

To know about the latest happening